Lenten Services – Bethel Hill participates in the Skippack-Methacton-Worcester Clergy Cluster during the Lenten Season. Each Wednesday in Lent one of the churches hosts a Community Lenten Service inviting all of the congregation to attend. Watch for schedules to be posted during Lent.
Holy Thursday worship held at Bethel Hill with communion served and choir selections. The service is somber and the altar is stripped as the congregation leaves in silence.
Good Friday worship is held at Bethel Hill at noon on Good Friday with the church open for prayer and meditation.
Palm Sunday worship is celebrated by the distribution of palm branches and the Liturgy of the Passion.
Easter Sunday Morning at 9:00 am and 10:30 am worship service and singing of Handel’s Halleluiah Chorus.
All Saint’s Sunday is celebrated the Sunday after October 31st. During the regular worship a litany for those who “have gone on before” is highlighted with the tolling of the church bell.
Thanksgiving Eve worship is held on an evening before Thanksgiving.
Christmas Eve worship offers the early service (6:00pm) is family friendly worship geared toward children and the Christmas story. The 2nd service (8:00pm) hosts the Bethel Hill Sr. Choir with candle lit singing and a Christmas lesson.
Throughout the liturgical year, Bethel Hill will highlight many special services commemorating Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Scouting Ministry’s Sunday, Bring a Friend Sunday, Mother’s Day, Heritage Sunday, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Pentecost, Laity Sunday.