Bethel Lunch Bunch (BLB) meets at 12:30 PM the third Wednesday of each month for a brown bag lunch and Christian fellowship. Desserts and beverages – and sometimes entertainment – are provided.
Quaintance Group is a loosely organized group of adults that meet the third Saturday of the month for a social outing. Quaintance Group has a different schedule of events each year with the planning session generally early in the year. All adults are invited to participate in these activities.
The Bethel Hill Library is open from 9 AM – 11 AM every Sunday and includes books & DVDs. There are fiction and non-fiction sections for children, youth, & adults. We also have a reference section with a wide selection of materials for bible studies, Sunday school teachers, and research.
A Women’s Breakfast is held on the second Saturday of every month in Hayes Hall at 9:00 AM. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share with the group.
A Men’s Breakfast is offered on the last Saturday of every month in Hayes Hall at 8:00 AM. The breakfast is usually a wide-ranging buffet. A good-will donation offering is taken.
A Chicken Barbecue and Flea Market is held the Saturday following Memorial Day each year. The Barbecue serves take-out chicken dinners and has a concurrent flea market and plant sale. Profits from this venture go into a capital improvement fund for the church properties. For a history of the Chicken BBQ, see