Christian Education/Sunday School
Children Christian Education classes are offered at 10:30 AM in the Education Building on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through the spring.
- Currently we are offering a one-room Sunday School for our Preschool-12th graders. Together we meet to celebrate joys and successes, pray, sing and hear a story from the Bible. Then we break up into two groups to engage in age-appropriate activities and discussions of the Bible content.
- There is a vibrant ADULT Sunday School class each week at 9:00 AM in Hayes Hall which focuses on a faith companion/study book that the groups votes on.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to expand their Christian experience through one of these classes
We have an excellent nursery for infants during the 9:00 am worship service.
The pastor offers a regular Bible study on Tuesday evenings via Zoom. Find information in the weekly bulletin and our newsletter for dates and time.
Child Protection –
Bethel Hill has formulated a plan regarding a resolution that was adopted at the General Conference of the UM Church as well as the Eastern PA Conference in response to the concerns of physical and sexual child abuse. A copy of this policy is available in the church office. If you work with children at any level at Bethel Hill, it is mandatory that you are cleared by the Pennsylvania State Police Background Check and the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance. Forms available at the church office.